Tag Archives: egotism

Will F**king Carroll Is Unpopular, Confused

These are actual tweets.


So if I’m using a third-party Twitter client, am I not seeing DMs or not getting any the last couple days?


Ok. It works. Just wasn’t getting DMs. DM drought. Weird week, people, weird week.

I can feel Will’s pain here. Normally, general managers just send him a DM.

It’s Going to His Head

Tangotiger, November 4, 2010:

On the other hand, my method is to use existing stories as a launching point for what I really want to say and do. My objective is to be timeless.

Tangotiger, Novemeber 18, 2010:

Dean of new-fangled stats

Tangotiger, November 19, 2010:

As for why I bother to highlight [J.C. Bradbury] here, I suppose it’s similar to trying to expose the ridiculousness of what the media does as well. A sort of sabermetric Jon Stewart if you will.

Tangotiger, November 19, 2010:

ChuckO/11: I think you perfectly captured exactly what I am about, better than I could have described myself.

You can put that on my sabermetric tombstone when I retire!